Alien on Mission - Download GameAlien on Mission - Download Game

Game Description

This is one great entertaining and forgiving game . This has chases, boxing ,shooting, plumbing , cheating, driving, road rage etc. In short everything you did or you always wanted to do in your real life.

Alien on Mission - Download GameAlien on Mission - Download Game

Game Description

You don’t need a great skill, cram the whole encyclopedia or raise your endorphin levels just to enjoy the game. All you need is a little dexterity , a bit sense of humor and some peripheral vision.

Alien on Mission - Download GameAlien on Mission - Download Game

Game Description

Don’t worry about high scores . We can proudly say that this is the only game you ever played where you have to shoot mosquitoes with a high powered gun.


Game Preview


Honestly this is one great entertaining and forgiving game . This has chases, boxing ,shooting, plumbing , driving, road rage and more. In short everything you did or you wanted to do in your life.
This game also has weird , smart and ignorant animals and of course you have to have a flying frying pan too.
You don’t need a great skill, cram the whole encyclopedia or raise your endorphin levels just to enjoy the game. All you need is a little dexterity , a bit sense of humor and some peripheral vision .
There is no emphasis on achieving the high score . We can proudly say that this is the only game you ever played where you have to shoot mosquitoes with a gun.
And when we says breaking news it means it . It will be all about breaking and nothing about recycled other news



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